MCQ on MS WORD Set 2

Welcome to your MCQ on MS WORD Set 2

1. Which feature in Microsoft Word allows you to create a duplicate of a selected portion of text or an object within the document?

2. What function does the 'Word Count' tool serve in Microsoft Word?

3. Which view in Microsoft Word provides a simplified layout with minimal distractions for drafting or editing purposes?

4. What is the purpose of the 'Page Break' feature in Microsoft Word?

5. Which keyboard shortcut is used to undo the last action in Microsoft Word?

6. Which feature allows you to apply a consistent look to a document by selecting predefined sets of formatting options in Microsoft Word?

7. What is the purpose of the 'AutoCorrect' feature in Microsoft Word?

8. Which function in Microsoft Word allows you to insert ready-made decorative text or symbols into a document?

9. What does the 'Save As' function in Microsoft Word allow you to do?

10. Which option in Microsoft Word allows you to create a list of sources used in a document for referencing purposes?

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